Rules: Continuous Professional Development
Includes: CPD Evaluation and accreditation; Providers; Equal Opportunities
The TSC shall serve as a common platform for CPD of teachers in Sierra Leone.
- TSC shall organise, coordinate, commission, validate, accredit, and register CPD of teachers in due cooperation with the MBSSE, TTCs, SLTU and other relevant institutions and providers of CPD.
- CPD must be registered in a) the teacher’s individual Portfolio, and b) in the Teacher Database, irrespective of the provider. Duplication, overlap and irrelevance of CPD must be avoided.
- CPD must be needs based and systematic. It must address teacher competency gaps and the need to develop new competencies.
- TSC must ensure consistency in individual CPD. CPD must be linked to a pathway towards increasingly advanced competencies in teaching and school management reflecting the Professional Standards for Teachers and School Leaders.
- The completion of CPD with demonstrated good results should count as one of the criteria for teacher and school leader promotion to higher positions, grades and salary.
- When there are changes in school curriculum, in subject knowledge, or other changes relevant for the contents and methods of teaching, TSC and MBSSE must ensure teacher skills and competencies are upgraded.
- IT, use of the internet and teaching technology should receive special attention in CPD. The TTCs, TSC, district education authorities and school leaders should ensure teachers receive the necessary training.
- If and when sufficient numbers of teachers in a district are considered to share similar training needs, the TSC-DO and DEO may organise a training programme with a qualified provider.
Evaluation and accreditation of CPD
- Participant learning in a training course may be measured through pre and post-tests.
- Training courses are evaluated through a) immediate reaction evaluation, 2) outcome evaluation of improvements in performance, and 3) impact evaluation, which may be measured in connection with relevant surveys, reviews, etc.
- Participants in training receive credit points according to the Professional Standards for Teachers and School Leaders (TSC, 2017).
Providers of CPD
- CPD may be offered by TSC, TTCs, other training institutes, international agencies, NGOs, and other registered, certified and qualified providers of teacher training.
- Providers of CPD must inform the TSC on the contents of the training, accreditation, who the participants are, and other aspects of the training courses which they offer.
- As far as possible, teacher training by external providers should be adapted to TSC’s overall standards, strategy and plans for CPD.
- TSC must conduct regular checks and quality assurance of providers of CPD.
- TSC maintains a database of qualified CPD facilitators and institutions.
CPD and Equal Opportunities
CPD must adhere to the highest standards set by the Government in gender, inclusiveness, equity and Persons with Disabilities providing equal opportunities for professional development for all teachers.
CPD is an instrument for promoting and reinforcing equal opportunities for careers in the teaching service.